The situation in Mali was at the heart of a new meeting of the UN Security Council on Thursday, 7 April. It was an opportunity to discuss the latest report by the Secretary-General and the suspected massacres of civilians in the Moura region.
According to the UN envoy for Mali, El-Ghassim Wane, the month of March was dangerous for civilians due to several attacks by terrorist groups, especially in the southern region of Gao. He, therefore, called on the organization to strengthen the resources of the Minusma.
El-Ghassim Wane also called for "imperative access to the Moura region," where the Malian army is accused of a massacre. The members of the Council supported the call, France included.
"This will allow the prosecution of the perpetrators of these acts, some of which could constitute war crimes," explained French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière. France has taken note of the opening of an investigation by the prosecutor in Mopti. "It is essential for UNMISMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali) to be able to conduct its own investigation without hindrance and in complete independence."
For his part, the Malian representative reiterated that the military operation in Moura was aimed at terrorist groups and that respect for human rights remained a priority for the Malian authorities. He assured that the investigation by the prosecutor in Mopti would establish the truth about these accusations.