The UN Security Council renewed the mandate of MINUSMA for one year on Wednesday, June 30. The UN will have to publish a study by January to assess the mission and its needs in the context of the transitional government and the departure of French and European forces. If Paris has abandoned the reassurance flights to MINUSMA, the litigation of the negotiation has focused on the mentions of human rights.
The extension of MINUSMA will last until June 30, 2023. The vote, drafted by France, was adopted by 13 out of 15, with Russia and China abstaining. Moscow explained its abstention by the "intrusive formulations" of the text regarding human rights, which "oppose" Malian sovereignty.
On the same note, Malian officials said it is dissatisfied with the final resolution. All this in the name of territorial integrity: there is no question for Mali that the MINUSMA forces have freedom of movement or freedom to investigate the abuses committed. "These" will have to be done with the prior agreement of the Malian government," stressed the representative of Bamako.
The agreement provides for maintaining the current workforce – 13,289 soldiers and 1,920 police – and calls on blue helmets to support the application of the 2015 peace agreement, a political transition, the return of state authority to the center, the protection of civilians and human rights. A special report is requested from the UN Secretary-General for January to possibly adapt the format of MINUSMA and study the evolution of its relations with the military junta in power.
For the Western bloc, it is complicated to finance a peacekeeping force in Mali without respecting the UN's human rights criteria.