The government of Benin is preparing to withdraw its troops that intervene in Mali, under the aegis of the MINUSMA (UN Mission in Mali). A note verbale from the Beninese Ministry of Foreign Affairs reached the United Nations Secretariat in New York. It requests the withdrawal of two units, an infantry company and a police unit.
The Beninese authorities wish to strengthen security on their territory, particularly in the face of the terrorist attacks recorded in recent months in the country's north.
The request reads: "Benin would be grateful if the United Nations secretariat would take measures the withdrawal of the Mechanized Infantry Company and the Formed Police Unit." 390 men are concerned, including 250 infantrymen based in Sénou and 140 police officers based in Kidal.
However, the Beninese troops will not immediately leave Mali. A timetable accompanies Benin's request. The withdrawal of the police unit will be organized no later than November 5, 2022 and that of the infantry company in November 2023.
The government justifies this decision by drawing attention to the worrying security situation in the north of Benin. Another factor is Malian progressing isolation process. Having withdrawn from the local G5 organization and expelling French troops, the Malian government quickly diverts its diplomacy from previous alliances.